Vintage Door Hardware

Friday, November 6, 2009

The reason most people look for vintage door hardware is because they're either remodeling a house, replacing an existing piece of hardware that recently broke, or designing a new home that they want to have a vintage feel. All of these reasons are appropriate causes to search out antique door handles to get the perfect look for your home or office. Antique stores are extremely popular places to look for these items. While not extremely common in urban environments rural areas across the mid west especially are sprinkled with an abundance of antique, thrift, and second hand stores where these items can commonly be found. Most people are surprised to hear that a lot of people make a full time living running their own businesses that distribute vintage hardware like door handles, knockers, latches, hinges, and other related items. What these people usually do is find a warehouse area that they can rent, purchase a truck and pick up doors from places that are being torn down. Depending on the situation the doors may be completely free as the construction or demolition crews are more than happy to have some one haul away the pieces that they consider trash. If you're trying to find some pieces are aren't extremely particular but want the vintage feel you could be lucky enough to come across a site that is giving away more than enough free vintage door sets to complete your project. There will be work on your part in terms of dismantling and cleaning the old doors and pieces but it could save you a few bucks, get you the look and feel you're after, and at the same time be a fun project that could occupy a weekend and depending on your family structure could even be a father son activity that you'll both remember for years to come.
It's important to realize that the people who supply vintage door hardware for a living do have to pay for their inventory sometimes if not often times. Because of the increased awareness and popularity of this easy to setup self employment alternative to being behind a desk all day an increasing number of mostly men are getting involved in this industry. With competition the suppliers are forced to bid against each other for particularly desirable projects. Sites that once yielded completely free vintage door hardware now command a premium because the disposers of the vintage product have options and essentially different parties competing for the same door handles, hinges, etc. For any readers, this article will be the first time their exposed to this business idea. I personally am always amazed at all of the creative ways that people find to make a comfortable living. It truly is a wonderful economy we live in that fosters ingenuity and creative thinking. The market creates competition that increases the final product for consumers are we're all better off for it.
When purchasing or searching for vintage door hardware shop around to find the best price. Take careful inventory of how much of each particular piece you'll need as different stores will have limited amounts of specific parts in stock. By definition the vintage pieces are not just rolling off of the assembly lines. Finding the right matching door handles can be like a treasure hunt if you have the right attitude. While this method of decorating a house can be more effort many people who have successfully done it testify that it's well worth the time as it makes the users really appreciate the story that are their homes. There is also something to be said for the uniqueness of a property and the piece of mind that comes with knowing that you don't just live in a McMansion that rolled off the assembly line. Your spot on Earth is unique, has character, historical value, and craftsmanship. These are hings that can't just be thrown together at a cheap overseas factory. Finding the right vintage door hardware is essential for truly appreciating the beauty and rich character of a unique home for years to come.