Get Off the Couch & Fix Door Handles

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For many of us the most challenging part of taking care of any home repair is getting up off the couch and actually accomplishing what needs to be done. Procrastination isn't just for students, in fact there's an interesting saying that I'm somewhat embarrassed to hear that I first heard while watching the Fox show House and that saying that Hugh Laurie's character Dr. Gregory House uttered is that we only put off big things and small things. For some of us home improvement projects like tackling door handle issues is a small thing and for others who are intimidated by the process it's a big thing. So whether you're sitting on a Marshall University couch because you hail from West Virginia or you're sitting on an extravagant antique sofa on the upper east side of Manhattan now is the time to not put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today.

I hope these inspiring words serve to help numerous people that are otherwise struggling to get motivated to quite literally get up off their seats and finally knock out that nagging issue that's been hanging over your head for so long.


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